Friday, October 3, 2008

In this post, I pick on the blind!

Okay, there's a new movie coming out called Blindness.  It's based on a novel by Portuguese author Jose Saramago.  I haven't read it, although I've meant to.  Basically, it's a Magical Realism novel about a sudden epidemic of blindness, and the immediate effects of this.  The film adaptation is coming out today, and it looks pretty shitty (38% fresh at Rotten Tomatoes), and according to the newspaper, a group will be outside of theaters tonight protesting it.  But they won't be protesting it for looking to be mediocre at best.  No, it's an activist group for the blind who are worried that people will believe that the movie's premise is plausible.  In other words, they have managed to completely miss the fucking point.  And this is what irritates me about special interest groups- they are usually so myopic (yeah, I used the word myopic to pick on a group of blind people.  I never claimed to be a good person) that they do stupid shit like this.  The story isn't about what's plausible, it's a fantasy- a sort of parable.  But because these groups will do anything to push their agendas, they will try and exploit anything that look like it falls into their narrow little world.  And this helps no one.

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