So, the show last night turned out to be better than I expected. Both Mr. Lif and Boots Riley got several songs (Lif did the "New Man Theme" off of I Phantom, which I had been hoping for, while Boots did "My Favorite Mutiny") and the encore was a jam-band/funk version of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" which turned into a version of The Coup's "Everythang" featuring Boots, Mr. Lif and the opening act, Portland-based rap group Lifesavas. I spent most of the show leaning against a wall as hard as I could, and so I was only in limited pain at worst. I also learned that if you wear a black t-shirt and stand in one place long enough, people might mistake you for an authority figure. At one point during one of Galactic's endless jam bits a girl asked me if I was in charge. I told her I was not, but she went on to ask me if it would be all right if she bought the band a round of Budweisers and brought them to the stage. I told her I had no idea if that was all right. In retrospect, I should have gone with my impulse to suggest a decent beer. The band at first seemed happy about the beer, but you could almost see their smiles die in real-time as they realized what they had been subjected to. In other beer news, the Lincoln Theater had Magic Hat #9 on tap, which was very, very cool. You should all be drinking that beer right now, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. All in all, the evening was pretty all right, except for missing out on House. I suppose I'll have to watch it from the iTunes.
Buck 65's show at the Cradle is next week, and hopefully I'll be able to walk around the club completely unfettered.
My friend was playing "Dang" in the car the other day and I thought of you! Did you go to the show?
Jeez, Rob, it's called a VCR. You don't have to be so high tech.
I don't really have a VCR anymore. I'm sure there's one somewhere in my closet. So yeah, I have like three things that can play DVDs in my room (at least, when my PS2 is working I do) but I don't have anything that can record television. That's technology for you.
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