Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've never felt so proud to be a graduate of NCSU.

From the video game blog Kotaku comes this... charming?...story about Frat life at NCSU. I thought that the NCAA honoring 712 different teams' academics without mentioning NCSU would be the week's highlight. I was wrong. (I had a conversation with my stepfather about the NCAA list. I pointed out that half the reason one supports a swimming team was to guarantee at least one team with solid academics. He suggested that the gymnastics team as a similar institution designed for academic performance, but I saw the problem with that right away. Anyone that hungry all the time can't focus on their studies. When all you've eaten that day is ice and carrot shavings, you can't focus on math. That's just science.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to address Clemens' affair with Mike McCready.