So, I'm house / dog / chicken / fish sitting this weekend. Thus far, it has consisted of taking an unusually sedate poodle for a walk and watching the first season of 24 (only twenty bucks at Target. I know they're probably another part of the evil corporate oligarchy that I should be raging against, but in all likelihood they would just be the ones' profiting on the revolution, selling molotov cocktail kits at deep discount as a loss leader).
It's great to see that the incorrigible Stacey has finally found her way to our (by which I mean my) little corner of the interwebs. Gentlemen, be on your best behaviour, because she won't hesitate to shove the broken end of a bottle in your eye. I've seen her do it when discussion of Bronte turns ugly.
Little Brother is doing a free show at the Cradle on Tuesday. If you don't go, shame on you- you'll be stuck (not) reading my review of the show. In anticipation of the show, I finally bought a copy of their Chitlin Circuit album, in no small part because the albums of theirs I do have won't show the autographs from Phonte and Big Pooh that I'm hoping to get.
I had to work in the proper FOL office on Friday, and at one point I had to stand in front of a copy machine for an hour, listening to the first half of Green Day's American Idiot album over and over again (well, I didn't strictly HAVE to do that part, but it seemed like the appropriate response) It got way too much like a real job, so I had to run to Schoolkids and buy music to make myself feel more like myself again. Besides the Little Brother cd, I also picked up an old Sonic Youth album (Sister, mainly because I've been listening to Daydream Nation a lot lately, and that's the preceding album) and the new White Stripes album.
Okay, I was checking to see how badly the Braves lost (My pessimism was well-founded- Detroit dropped us again, although only 2-1 this time.) I saw an odd on the front page of Yahoo! that said "Be a Better Music Lover". Underneath this are pictures and captions of Justin Timberlake, April Lavigne (I don't care how she spells her name, she is incorrect), Kelly Clarkson and someone named Rihianna, who I'm not entirely sure who she is. I hate everyone and everything, and I am now once again actively praying for Nuclear holocaust.
That is all.
Wow, I think I just got my first spam. As far as Babelfish can help me, it's an ad in Portuguese for customized t-shirts. Even the mundane things that happen to me are weird.
Now, there's a fine line between "scratch" and "stab," and if I've crossed that line, I'll have to be fair and blame semantics.
I would invite you to my blog, but it's a private file at Myspace, so you'd have to sign up to be able to read it. And I know how you feel about The Myspace...
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