You ever decide that, since you can't sleep that the best thing you could possibly do is listen to Elvis Costello and catch up on a blog you quit reading by a girl you used to think about most of the time? As it turns out, it's not as great an idea as it might seem when it first occurs to you. Just a word of advice. So I switched to Dylan, which is the kind of "in for a penny, in for a pound" thinking that led to the whole situation in the first place, if you look at things from a kind of large picture, kind of slanted and slightly abstract point of view. Kind of like how I keep typing sentences in this paragraph, despite the obvious fact being that it would be smarter to move on and just bitch about the American Film Institute, like I do so naturally. Blame it on the music. I would guess that a lot of my hang-ups, mental blocks and several planks of my idiosyncratic belief systems can be directly attributed to the music. Hers too, now that I think about it.
The AFI put out their new 100 greatest American films list tonight. I only watched the top 60 or so films, and then glanced at the complete list. Thank the maker that Nashville and The General made it this time. List is still horribly flawed. Titanic, for example, should not be on the list. Nor should Midnight Cowboy, The Sound of Music or... Holy Hell, did The Third Man fall off the list entirely? I mean, I'm glad Do The Right Thing made it on, but who the hell thinks Easy Rider or Sixth Sense is better than the fucking Third Man? Why do people still think that Shane and High Noon are better westerns than Red River or Good,Bad and the Ugly? Who thinks Tootsie is better than, say, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, or Night of The Hunter? If they were going to add a Kubrick film, who the hell chose fucking Sparatcus over Paths of Glory or Barry Lyndon or any other movie he made after Killer's Kiss for that matter? Why did L.A. Confidential get screwed over? And if they were picking a Lord of the Rings film, why did they choose Fellowship over Return of the King?
Shit, there's a reason why I meant to not watch...
Listening to Time Out of Mind might not have been the best idea I ever had, at least, listening to it at this moment. I really should have put on something less...thought inducing. It's like being in love with a woman who don't even appeal to me.
I'm twenty miles out of town, and Cold Irons Bound
1 comment:
Do you know how long it took me to find your blog address? I had to pull out my diploma to find the slip of paper it was written on, which means I had to find my diploma, which should tell you a little bit about the use I'm getting out of it at the moment.
Down to business: I have a friend, blah blah blah, and we've decided to try to launch an online magazine, half blog/real life stuff, half fiction and poetry. Too much to go into right now, but the work would basically center around eight or so core writers strong in fiction/poetry and blogging skills. Catch: no pay until we get to the point where we start selling ad space. High point: both of us have experience running highly popular websites, and we both have experience as editors.
So, if you're interested in applying, write me at biglsbigl@earthlink.net . Heck, write even if you're interested - I miss our talks.
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