Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Progessiveboink.com, in a list of the worst song lyrics, has this to say about Aesop Rock:

"This is a fairly accurate representation of a lot of backpack rap. Their strategy is to talk really quickly and rhyme words that make no goddamn sense at all. This works well when your audience is a bunch of college hipsters who are eager to excuse your lack of intellectual qualities because you’re black. What?!? No, that’s not racist! You’re racist! For bringing race into the issue!"

They do know that Aesop isn't black.... right?

Link. It's number 14 in the first list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to suggest that perhaps a link
might be appropriate here.

Also, my guess would be that no, they don't. They probably have failed to notice that there are white rappers other than Eminem and Vanilla Ice.