Stacey- You can tell how much Halpern wormed his way into our brain. I was at Barnes and Nobel on Monday, and I held a copy of Swann's Way for about ten minutes (before I went with my natural instinct and bought a copy of a biography of Johnny Cash). I've felt a very strange guilt lately that I'm not reading Proust. I'm pretty sure that normal people don't have these emotions. Right now I am also reading Nabokov's Real Life of Sebastian Knight, another example of how much of my psychic real estate Halpern laid claim to.
I liked Harry Potter, although I wasn't blown away by the epilogue. A little too clean and neat. I did take a slightly preverse pleasure in Rowling sneaking the word "bitch" into what is ostensibly a childrens' book.
Dillon, a rapper that Keith and I saw at the Cradle a couple of weeks ago, put some pictures of the show up on his blog, and Keith and I are more prominent in the photo than the rapper Akrobatik, who is theoretically the subject of the photo.
1 comment:
Ah, Halpern. Have you kept in contact with him? He asked me to, and I really should have, because I need him to write a recommendation letter for grad school, but I've been so busy doing nothing over the summer that I let the time slip away from me.
I think it might have been this that finally prompted the dream and the reading; when I finally do e-mail him, I feel like I should have something to offer him. There's no way I'm buying Swann's Way, though; I had the library order it for me.
How is Sebastian Knight?
I wasn't blown away by the ending of HP either, but I guess it was necessary, what with it being a kid's book and all. I don't know if you can really say that she sneaked the word "bitch" into it, though, considering it's one of a handful of words in a 700+ page novel that's capitalized...
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