I just watched Ratatouille again, and I really think that it is the finest film I saw in 2007. Better than Breach, Grindhouse, Knocked Up, Superbad, American Gangster or The Simpsons Movie. While there are several highly touted films I haven't seen yet, for the moment Ratatouille is my pick for the movie from last year that represented everything worthwhile about the cinema. Pixar is simply operating on a different level than everyone else.
At the moment the only book from last year (last year meaning two hours ago) that I really have a clear memory of is Harry Potter, which was good enough, but not great, so I guess I don't really have a pick for the best book from last year. So we'll just declare Moneyball to be the winner, "publishing date" be damned.
And Super Mario Galaxy is the best thing to happen to video games in a long time. It got me so re-excited about the Wii that I actually picked up a couple of other games for the system (Zack and Wiki, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) and haven't touched my PS2 since before Christmas. I still want an X-Box 360 (Mainly for Portal and Bioshock) but Nintendo has restored my faith in the Wii, especially if we do get Super Smash Bros. in the next two or three months.
Happy New Year everyone, if you go in for that sort of thing. If we're lucky 2008 will mean that things get better.
Oh, and I still think foreign spam in the comments is cool. It'll probably take three or four times before I get annoyed at it.
Ratatouille? Really? Really? Okay then. Happy New Year.
What can I say? The movie reminded me about everything that I love about film. King of Kong and Grindhouse are the other two films I saw this year that really had the same effect, at least for me. Besides, we all love Peter O'Toole (well, all of us who don't vote for the Oscars anyway).
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