Thursday, January 10, 2008

Titles are so 20th Century

It's been the kind of day where I wound up with the opening bit of Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" stuck in my head while I try and figure out exactly why Quentin Tarantino named his movie Reservoir Dogs. All of his other films' titles make sense, right? So why doesn't this one? It's the kind of question that eats at me for a few days until I manage to forget that I'm bothered by it for half a decade or so.

I watched the original Invasion of the Bodysnatchers last night for the first time. In retrospect, I'm slightly surprised that it took me a quarter of a century to see it. I mean, it's such an iconic film that between one of the film classes I took and the sheer number of old movies I've rented over the years, how is it that I missed this one? A mystery. At any rate, it actually is pretty good, although it's very short (80 minutes). Tomorrow night, I'm planning on re-watching Night of the Living Dead while sampling the Magic Hat Mardi Gras collection.

Pharoahe Monch is doing a free show at the Cat's Cradle on the 22nd. You can rsvp here if you want to see the show. His album last year, Desire, was one of the three best hip hop albums of the year, and I've been wanting to see his act ever since I heard the disc.

Today, I was thinking about who needs Nobel prizes. This is the list I came up with:
-Thomas Pynchon
-Cormac McCarthy
-Philip Roth
-Greg Maddux
-Chipper Jones (I think that he could share his with Maddux)
-Hugh Laurie
-Mark Knopfler
-Bob Dylan
-Salman Rushdie
-Bill James
-David Chase
-Ricky Gervais
-Whoever invented the iPod
-Shigeru Miyamoto
-Ric Flair
-Alan Moore
-Paul Westerberg
-David Thompson
-Jim Jarmusch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be nearly as good if it weren't only 80 minutes long.

That you even come up with a list, Rob.