(Offer does not apply to Keith)
It occured to me that it's kind of strange that I spent the day I had two exams listening to Aesop Rock's new single over and over again. Strange, because there seems something odd about listening to a song called "None Shall Pass" on exam day. I dont' know. (Shit, that comedy bit crashed and burned). The song is good. Damn good. Go to Adult Swim's website and download the Def Jux sampler it's on.
Only one exam standing between me and the world. Film and Lit tomorrow morning at nine. Crazy, man.
Halfway into House tonight, and it's another boring episode. That's like three out of the last four. Okay, House trying to kill the dog is funny. And any dog that eats original Elvis Sun vinyl needs to die. But the episode still sucks overall. Don't care about Foreman's guilt or whatever. Just do not care. And I LIKE Foreman's character.
Hell, I'm so thinking about bailing on this episode. I won't though. Because I'm a coward. I do want to watch at least part of the Warriors game tonight. 9:41- disgusted by House's new cane. Turned television off. Be back next week, but if I didn't love this show...
Missed 24 last night, but bought it from iTunes. Will probably watch tomorrow.
There's that credit card commerical starring Shawn(?) White on again. Does anyone else even remember him, or anything else about the Winter Olympics? Outside of Bode Miller, maybe. Maybe.
Can the show "Bones" possibly be as godawful as the commercials make it look? It seems unlikely. Of course, I'll never know.
Hell, it's Tuesday again.
Top Five Books I Promise To read This Summer
1- New Harry Potter book...Deathly Hallows or something
2-V- Thomas Pynchon
3-Sabbath's Theater- Philip Roth
4-The Confidence Man- Herman Melville
5- Ada- Vladimir Nabokov.
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