My PE grade was finally posted. I passed. I knew I was going to, but I still wanted, needed the proof. I am going to graduate in eleven days. A terrible mistake has been made.
While I was killing time before the 1:30 AM or so posting of the grade, I went to amazon to see how the season 2 of Venture Brothers was doing. And people need to be ashamed of themselves. Ahead of the funniest show on television (yeah, I said it. What are you gonna do about it?) are, among other things:
-The Girls Next Door Season 2
-Something called "Shirley Valentine"
-A Tyrone Power box set
-Dancing With The Stars: Cardio Dance
-Dinosaurs-The complete third and fourth season (I don't care what Keith says, that show was god-awful, and ripped off the Simpsons in ways that Seth McFarlane could only dream of)
-The Full Screen version of Happy Feet
-The Will and Grace Seasons 1-5 Bundle
-Will and Grace- Season Six
-Beverly Hills 90210-The Second Season
-About three different editions of Night at the Museum
-A self help video called "The Secret"
Who the hell is buying these things? Just when I think I don't understand people at all, something like this happens and I discover that I really don't understand people. Who is going out of their way to purchase the Full Screen editions of movies? It's amazon- they lead you to the Proper edition automatically. For example, I just searched for The Departed, and the full screen version was the fourth result, behind the two disc version, the one disc version and the soundtrack. You have to go out of your way on amazon to purchase the full screen version. I realize that this is probably even more the fault of the studios and Hollywood for not educating people about how they are getting screwed over.... you know what, nevermind.
Warriors lost, and I missed the game (just as well, I want to see the Mavs lose that fourth game and get bounced) and the Braves lost even though Chipper went yard twice (He's hitting them out at a really impressive pace). The Mark Redman retread experiment isn't working. Clearly, Roger McDowell is not Leo Mazzone, and doesn't have the magic to turn any third rate pitcher into a 4 or 5 starter.
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