So I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm going to New York City in a little bit. It's a very strange fact to get used to, for some reason. Last night I began looking online for record stores to visit. I'll probably try to hit a couple of different ones in search of bootlegs and deleted albums that haven't trickled down South. Speaking of which, I find it odd that I suddenly can't find a copy of Elvis Costello's "Blood and Chocolate" album in a proper cd store. Since Keith is the only loyal reader that I'm sure of, and he's heard me bitch about this before I'm repeating myself, but the first ten years or so of Elvis Costello's brilliant career (those being the actually brilliant years of his career) has transfered ownership, so I'm concerned that new issues are coming of his first 11 albums, replacing the bloody brilliant Rhino 2 disc editions, with liner notes written by Declan himself. At this point, Blood and Chocolate is the only one I'm missing from that run. I did find a cheap used copy of the two disc version of his Spike album at Schoolkids today, so I'm fairly content. I'm just a touch worried that all the copies of Blood and Chocolate have joined copies of the ninth volume of Transmet in limbo....
Tomorrow night is Sage Francis and Buck 65 at the Cradle. I've decided to bring copies of cds by both artists to try and get signed. Expect a write-up a day or two after the show, you non-corpeal, fantastic bastards.
Right now I'm slowly reading Philip Roth's novel "Sabbath's Theater" for the infernal book club, having finished Nabokov's Pnin earlier this week. Pnin was very funny, and I think I worked out what it was all about, but it's on a different strata from Lolita and Pale Fire. I think I'm probably going back to Nabokov after the Roth novel, either Ada or The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. I'm not sure which. And the big re-read of the entire Harry Potter cycle still looms before book 7 comes out in July. I'll probably try and wait to start around my birthday.
Sorry this entry is so dull, but I felt obliged to post something, and I'm not pissed off at much of anything at the moment...
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