Friday, July 6, 2007

It Was Fifty Years Ago Today

I don't know if anyone else knows this, but today is the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most important days in the twentieth century. Fifty years ago, July 6 1957, John Winston Lennon met James Paul McCartney at a fete in Liverpool. The most important musical partnership ever (sorry Gilbert and Sullivan) was born. If you ask me, we set off the fireworks two days too early.

So, in honor of the auspicious moment, here are the ten greatest Beatles songs. I wholly reserve the right to change the list based on any sudden, violent mood swings that might arise between now and the next time I make such a list.

1. A Day in the Life.
2. Hey Jude
3. Strawberry Fields Forever
4. A Hard Day's Night
5. Penny Lane
6. Yesterday
7. Something
8. In My Life
9. Tomorrow Never Knows
10. Eleanor Rigby

Looking at the list, it is obvious to me that creating such a list for the Fab Four is simply not possible. The Beatles have about twenty-five songs that belong in the ten greatest. My desire to try and balance the Lennon and McCartney numbers, and to throw in at least one George song doesn't help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really better not to try - you'll get a headache, at the least, and possibly a seizure, what with all those synapses firing. But I'd wager that a good amount of people know about this - The New Yorker just ran an article about it.