Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Workingman's Blues

You can hang back or fight your best on the front lines...

Anyway, I'm once again staffing the FOL office at NCSU. Thus far, this has mainly consisted of re-reading a Nick Hornby novel (A Long Way Down, which is not his best book, but better than what most of the critics I read made it out to be). I'm not complaining about being here, though. Ever since the desire to purchase a Wii at the earliest conceivable date sprung up within me with an evangelical furor (around 6:00 on Sunday, I think) work has become more philosophically bearable. Hopefully, no one will come by the office or call the office looking for assistance, especially since now I'm pretty much able to offer said assistance, which takes away my ability to plead ignorance honestly.

I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but if you haven't heard the latest Dylan song, you're missing out. It's called "Huck's Tune", and he recorded it for the soundtrack to a movie called "Lucky You" that spent about twenty minutes in the theaters. The soundtrack, actually, looked a lot better than the movie- a couple of Springsteen songs, and a couple of Dylan songs- "Like A Rolling Stone", which is of course one of the three or four greatest songs in all of popular music ever, and the new one, which he wrote for the movie, apparently. (Quick trivia question- what song did Bob Dylan write for the movie "Midnight Cowboy", but not finish in time to include in the film, and was therefore replaced by "Everybody's Talkin"? Bonus points if you know who wrote "Everybody's Talkin"- it wasn't Harry Nillson)

You can really tell how bored I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! You got the Wii disease. You are welcome.