Thursday, October 25, 2007

This Month's eMusic Downloads (October)

Despite being irritated at eMusic for losing the stuff put out on Epitah (yes Keith, I read that Wired article you sent me which explains why it's not eMusic's fault, but I don't care. It's easier to hate the ones who are taking twenty dollars of my money every month) I still am affiliated with their music service. Here's what I grabbed this month:

-The new Little Brother album
-Little Brother's Big Pooh's album
-J. Dilla's "Donuts"
-Daniel Johnston's "Continued Story - Hi How Are You"
-Some tracks from Jeff Mangum's live album (Jeff Mangum was the lead singer of Neutral Milk Hotel, who despite having an irritating band name put out one of the best albums that anyone has ever made)

James and I are going to the Red-White game on Saturday,so expect a love letter about J.J. Hickson on Sunday. It simply cannot be avoided, I'm afraid.

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