The Hollywood Video in Apex is going out of business (I can't say for sure if it's because of Netflix and downloading movies from the interwebs, but I'm guessing that's part of it) and they sold me a new copy of The Aviator for eight dollars. Martin Scorsese is better at making movies than anyone else. When all is said and done, only Hitchcock might wind up with a better life's work in cinema. But, I think I read his next movie is another music documentary, this one about George Harrison. This would be the fourth such project of the decade (The miniseries about the Blues that he oversaw and directed one or two parts of, the Dylan film and the upcoming Rolling Stones doc, Shine A LIght are the others) (oh, and if you had all bought Exile On Main Street like I'm sure I've told you to, then you'd know that "Shine A Light" is a track off of that album, which is better than almost anyone else's album.) George Harrison is probably my least favorite Beatle- he always struck me as being the most unpleasant Beatle, and the second most unpleasant Traveling Wilbury (I'm assuming that Jeff Lynne is as unpleasant as ELO's music is.) I wish Scorsese would make something different, like the Teddy Roosevelt movie he's supposedly working on. Of course, if I misread the Harrison thing, I apologize to all the parties involved, especially the late Mr. Harrison. "Within You Without You" only kind of ruins the Sgt. Pepper album...
So, my baseball picks weren't that great. I got three of the AL teams right, but I was 0 for 4 in the NL. I do claim credit for predicting that Alex Rodriguez would continue to be better at baseball than everyone else. That was a bold pick, if you ask me, and when he wins his third MVP, I like to think that I get part of the credit. At least my World Series team, the Red Sox, still has a chance to win the whole thing. And I'm really pulling for the Rockies to win their play-off game and make it into the postseason. I have no idea why. I also can't explain why I find the idea of them winning a World Series (which seems amazingly unlikey, even now) so fascinating. David Nied is somehow involved in this thought process, and that would take longer than anyone cares about to explain.
It looks like I'll finish the Cormac McCarthy book tomorow, so I need to pick another book to read from my pile of shame. I'll let anyone who cares know when that is done.
I sort of fell asleep a little during the last post...then I read my name and perked right up.
What else is in your pile of shame?
Just including books I can see from my bed, it includes:
Ada- Nabokov
The Trilogy- Beckett
The Satanic Verses- Rushdie
The Rabbit Novels- Updike
Pride and Prejudice- Austen
The Confidence Man- Melville
Doctor Copernicus- John Banville
The Collected Stories- Faulkner
The Shape of Things To Come- Greil Marcus
Magic Mountain- Mann
Against The Day- Pynchon
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