Monday, February 25, 2008


I'm almost impressed by the Oscars. No Country For Old Men was the best movie I saw from last year, and it actually managed to win. Ratatouille was the best animated film I saw (although I haven't seen Perseopolis yet) and it won. Daniel Day-Lewis and Javier Bardem gave my favorite performances by any actors I saw, and they both won. I thought Juno had the best screenplay, and it won too. There Will Be Blood was the prettiest movie I saw, and the Bourne movie had the best editing, and even they won. There's no chance I'll ever see the Edith Piaf movie, so I'll never know if the actress was actually better than Ellen Page in Juno, but on the whole, this was one of the best list of Oscars I've ever seen. I almost wish I had watched any part of the ceremony outside of Stewart's decent-but-not-great opening monologue. Almost.

I'm sure that this will be corrected for next year's awards, and the ceremony can get back to recognizing mediocrity.

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