I jotted an outline for a post titled "Last Thoughts on Don Imus" (note the semi-obscure Dylan reference), but what's the point? What is there to really say about something so ridiculous and inevitable? I hate the things that Imus said, but I'll miss watching his show in the morning when Sportscenter is talking about Nascar or Jeremy Schaaf is doing a fifteen minute report on something I don't care about. I guess I'll just be watching (or lightly dozing through) the commercials on ESPN from now on. (I'm fairly certain that I won't be watching Mike and Mike on ESPN2 or a cable news channel). Really, this whole incident has just reaffirmed my ever-increasing animosity towards the twentyfour hour cable news cycle. Last thing I have to say is a Rage Against the Machine quote that I haven't been able to get out of my head since I saw the video of people actually bothering to take to the streets about this whole mess,
"Godzilla- pure muthafuckin' filler. Keep your eyes off the real killer"
It's from "No Shelter", which was on the soundtrack for the abominable 1999 American Godzilla movie, which means that a lot of people, even some Rage fans, probably never heard it.
Shit, I didn't even mean to write that much. How cool was Felix Herandez's one-hitter against the Sox tonight? Dice-K will be a damn good pitcher, but this kid in Seattle has the chance to be one of the all-time greats (I say, instantly dooming him to the land of Dwight Gooden, Kerry Wood, Rick Ankiel and so on). I wish the Braves could play the Nationals every night. They are the kind of team every other team wants in their division, except for having to play in the hellhole that is RFK Stadium. I saw a game there last year, and that park is awful- and I saw games in the old Riverfront park in Cincy and Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. You kids need to appreciate how amazing all the new parks are, and how bad baseball/football stadia used to be.
Seriously, why would anyone want to read this?
I just made myself sad.
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