Birdapres- Get It Done. The album he did with fellow Canadian rapper McEnroe, "Nothing Is Cool" is one of my absolute favorite hip-hop albums,
KRS-One - Keep Right- I'm going to see the Blastmaster live on May 12, so I figured it was appropriate to grab an album that Keith assures me is fantastic,
Molemen- Four Songs: My Alien Girlfriend, Life Sentence, How I Won The War, Follow Me. I bought these for the guest stars- Slug, Buck 65, Brother Ali, Sage Francis.
El-P- One Song: Deadlight. By the way, if you haven't bought "I'll Sleep When You're Dead" and you have any interest in hip-hop, you should rectify that.
Poe - Three Songs: Not A Virgin, Trigger Happy Jack, Angry Johnny. I've liked the song "Not a Virgin" for a while, and I had a few spare downloads to kill.
Psalm One- The Death of the Frequent Flyer. I'm seeing her rap at the Brother Ali show on the 8th. It's on Rhymesayers, which is generally a good sign,
The Seeds- Three Songs: Can't Seem To Make You Mine, No Escape, Pushin' Too Hard. The legendary 60s garage band. One I've always meant to get into.
The Fall- 458489 A-Sides. It's a greatest hits collection from a classic punk-era band. One of the glaring holes in my relatively small, but fairly decent classic punk collection.
Wreckless Eric- Wreckless Eric- A minor classic punk rocker. Will Ferrell sings on of his songs in "Stranger Than Fiction"
Some other music stuff:
-The reissue of the Sly & The Family Stone catalog on CD has finally begun. I already bought "Dance to the Music", and I'm excited about getting a chance to fill one of the single biggest blind spots in my cd collection.
-The new Patti Smith covers album is pretty alright. I bought it mostly out of curiosity, and because she covers "Changing of the Guard", which is probably the most underrated Dylan song he released on a regular album (as opposed to releasing on Biograph or in the Bootleg Series). I actually have kind of a warm spot for cover albums, or at least, for the idea of covers albums. It all depends on whether the artist in question knows their limitations. RATM"s album has good covers of "Renegades of Funk" and "Kick Out the Jams", but whoever thought it was a good idea to give them "Maggie's Farm" or "Street Fighting Man" needs to be injured. Patti's song choices are pretty good, but some of her covers are just sort of boring. Which is the last word that should be used about the punk icon.
-I can't stop listening to the new Nine Inch Nails album, "Year Zero", especially the single "Survivalism" (featuring some backup from the wonderful poet/recording artist/actor/genius Saul Williams). It's the best thing Trent's done (that I've heard, anyway) since "The Downward Spiral", and might be better than that album.
Sorry that I seem to have forgotten how to write well today.
You're totally right about "Changing of the Guards." Totally mindblowing track. I actually like that it's kind of unheralded, though... it makes it more mysterious somehow.
When you think about it, "Changing of the Guard" is also interesting because it's pretty much the last of that style of Bob Dylan song. Immediately after it came the Christian albums, but even after those, there aren't really any songs that are like "Changing of the Guard" in the way that "Changing of the Guard" is like, say, "A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall" or "Gates of Eden" or "Isis" or a bunch of others. After "Changing of the Guard" there's "The Groom's Still Waiting At the Altar" and "Jokerman", which kind of fall into that mold, but not really.
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