So Kid Koala was pretty fucking awesome on Thursday night. Plus, Mike Patton and Dan the Automater, who were playing at the Cradle that night, showed up for some impromptu staring contests with girls from the audience. If you weren't there you need to go ahead and submit you excuses to me in writing while I decide if you get to keep claiming to enjoy music.
I meant to post like an actual review of the show, but I got sidetracked with avoiding work on some papers, plus it's always seemed to me that reviewing a one-time concert is kind of silly- unlike a movie, this was your one chance to see the show, and me telling you how awesome it was doesn't do you much good unless you live in one of the cities that the artist is going to later on the tour. And since there are about three (mostly imaginary) people who read this and they all live here, that don't help no one.
In other "news", I finished Lolita, and the book is better than any book any of you have ever written and better than at least ninety-nine out of every hundred books you ever read. You should probably go out and buy the annotated version, because that makes the book even more awesomely awesome. (Those are important and precise English Major words that you need years of training to possibly use correctly.) I'm even further into Philip Roth's American Pastoral. It's really great, but not quite as great as the woman who cut my hair today thinking that the book was a textbook for seminary. Not to make fun of her, because a) most people haven't heard of the book, despite the cover's claim that it was a "national bestseller" and won the "Pulitzer Prize" and b) she only got a brief glimpse of the cover, and she got that glimpse from a weird angle, so it wasn't an entirely unreasonable mistake. It was still pretty funny, mainly because she asked me if I was studying to be a pastor. When she saw how incredibly confused I was by the question, she mentioned the book I was reading, and it all fell into place.
What I'm listening to: Right now I'm listening to Radiohead's Amnesiac album while I read the firejoemorgan blog and stare at the stack of books sitting next to me, mocking me about the unwritten papers. I've also been listening to Tony Kornheiser podcasts over and over again while I, for some reason, re-play Lego Star Wars II on my Gamecube. I'm almost done with the game again. Yesterday, I spent pretty much all day reading and playing the game, because it was more fun than these papers which are weighing on me more and more with every passing moment. Tomorrow I have to go to Easter stuff with the family, so I won't get to work on the papers until mid-afternoon. Which sucks. It also sucks that the library didn't have a copy of Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, which means I either have to dig out my copy of the book from one of the countless boxes of books in the attic, or do without it. Since I figure that I can probably kill a nice amount of copy with it in the paper, I think this evening I might just be doing some attic-diving. [Update: Finding the book I needed was actually a lot easier than I feared. It was actually in the first box I checked. Emboldened, I also tracked down my boxed up copies of a Philip Roth novel I bought seven years ago but never read, a collection of T.S. Eliot I had been looking for and a film history comic book I had wondered about earlier this year. I had to restrain myself from pulling out all of the usefull books I have boxed up, since I need several more bookcases. Not that any of you really care. By which I mean "not that either of you really care". Back to your regularly scheduled blogcast]
The Braves got their asses handed to them last night by the Mets. Today, it's Smoltz vs. Glavine, so that should be pretty sweet, espcially since Smoltz is better than Glavine at this point. I'll almost certainly have the game on while I either procastinate or write. It's on Fox, so I guess Joe Buck will be calling it. Which I don't have much of an opinion on. (Blogs with sentences like "i don't have much of an opinion" are awesome, aren't they?) Matsuzaka struck out ten Royals in his debut, which is awesome, but leaves open the question of how he will pitch against a Major League team. (I've been keeping that line in my hip pocket for days now). Oh, and Paul Byrd got positively fucked over yesterday when the Umps called his no-hitter off because of snow one out before the game would have gone official. I know M's Manager Mike Hargrove was only doing what was the best for his team when he bitched at the umps until the game was called, but he still needs to spend a thousand years apologizing to Byrd for screwing him from a bite of immortality.
Right. If any of you photogenic bastards know who has my copy of Kid A, let me know. I can't afford to buy another copy of it at the moment, and it's glaring omission from my Radiohead collection is irritating.
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