So, yesterday I was summoned for jury duty. Again. Since I registered to vote seven years ago, I must have been summoned for jury duty four or five times. This time, it's the feds again. It seems that, unlike the more local court establishments, when the feds give you permission to duck out of one's civil obligations they don't forget that shit. And now I can't beg off because of class. So, on or about the seventh of January I'll be headed downtown to send somebody to jail. (Because the statistics that I've seen on federal indictments strongly suggest that the odds of the poor bastard/evil son of a bitch being acquitted ain't good.) On the plus side, jurors get paid more than I currently do. It's really too bad that I can't make a career out of it.
I went Christmas shopping tonight. At least, on a fairly small scale. I patronized the Best Buy and the Barnes and Nobel at
Crabtree, and it was nowhere near as unpleasant as it might have been. (I expect that this weekend the malls will resemble nothing so much as outtakes from
Dawn of the Dead). I kept my headphones on the whole time, and rode out the crowds with Atmosphere's
You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having album, which is one of my absolute favorite albums of the last five or ten years). I think I'm done with the shopping for this year, (although statements like that invariably bite one in the ass) which makes me happy.
Tomorrow night is the Slick Rick show at the Cradle. If Doug E. Fresh were to show up, it would be like the third coolest thing to happen at a show this year, but I don't expect that to happen. At the very worst, at least it will distract me from
NCSU losing to Davidson. Gods, do I hope that they don't show that game on the television near the bar at the show.
Kenpom.com's computers predict that State will win, but I'm pretty sure that the computers haven't been watching this team play. This is what happens to State fans when we get optimistic.
While I was making dinner tonight, the news was on. They were talking about the alleged cross in the Mike "We isn't evolved from no monkeys"
Huckabee's Christmas ad, and I missed the Daily Show more than ever. With this presidential election so much of a
clusterfuck, you'd think that the writers could have given Comedy Central a special dispensation. It's not that
I need Jon Stewart right now.
America needs Jon Stewart right now. And by America I mean me.
Oh, and finally- Stacey, do you watch
Lost? Because I was watching the second disc of the third season, and there was a copy of Nabokov's
Laughter in the Dark in Sawyer's tent, and that has been messing with my head all day. Of all the books Vladimir wrote, why the hell did they choose that one? Nothing against the book, but you'd think that they would have chosen one that people who aren't taking seminars on Nabokov might have read. Granted, I could only tell that it was
Laughter in the Dark because I froze the frame when I recognized the book design (you know how all of those Vintage published Nabokov paperbacks look the same) and studied the shot like the Zapruder film, but still. It's so weird. Even for
(Words that blogspot's spell check does not recognize in this post: NCSU, Kenpom.com, Huckabee's, clusterfuck, Zapruder, Crabtree, blogspot's)